Liedewy Heetvelt artiste du bois
Liedewy was born in 1959 in Leiden, The Netherlands
Although from a young age she worked in wood, she also studied Modern Dutch Literature and History of Art.
She worked in prison for 12 years before moving to Quimper in France in 2000.
There the time was ripe for her to creatively transform driftwood and industrial cable rolls into artful chairs.
One year later she had developed a sufficient number of models to show her work successfully in a design shop in Quimper and in art galleries in Rotterdam.
In 2002 Liedewy moved her stock of driftwood to Provence where she pursues her creative work in her own atelier in the countryside.
She herself renovated her entire house to her own design of course!
Photography & Web Design: Elske Koelstra All rights reserved - Touts droits réservés © Liedewy Heetvelt